Once the fireworks are done and the ball has dropped, New Year’s is all about starting over. As a fresh year dawns, most of us make New Year’s resolutions, aimed at improving our lives and making the most of the year ahead. For pet owners, the new year is also a perfect time to promise to take better care of furry friends. Here are a few of the New Year’s resolutions pet owners should make this year.

Feed them a healthier diet

Between dieting, dropping excess weight and eating better, many New Year’s resolutions revolve around nutrition. While you are making a post-holiday resolution to eat more veggies, think about what you are feeding your pets. Resolve to find a high-quality food designed for their specific nutritional needs and to limit treats. Try www.justfoodfordogs.com as a source to identify your pets dietary needs.

Take more walks

Fido gets excited every time he sees his leash, so resolve to take more walks together this year. Not only are daily walks fun for both of you, they are an important part of keeping your pet fit and healthy. And, since many people start out the new year by signing up for a gym membership, extra walks will probably fit right in with your own fitness goals. If you are in the market for dog walkers you can always try www.WagWalking.com to find a pet walker near you. And don't forget to bring along your Patio Pet Life travel bowl!

Spend time together

There is no one your pet loves more than you. Unfortunately, hectic schedules means that play time is pretty limited. This year, resolve to spend more time playing with your pet. Whether it’s a trip to the park for a game of fetch, or just tossing a toy around the house, make playing with your pet a daily priority. If you're looking for a buddy to join you and your pet on your adventure, try www.BarkHappy.com.

Sign up for an obedience class

When you first brought your dog home, taking an obedience class was probably at the top of your to-do list. But, then life happened and dog training took a back seat. Resolve to sign up for, and take, an obedience class with your pet. Not only will your dog enjoy the experience, an obedience class can work wonders for behavior. And if you're looking for an all natural potty training method, be sure to try real pet grass with www.PatioPetLife.com.