Is there anything cuter than a Dachshund dressed up as a hot dog? For many pet parents, getting Fido and Fluffy into the Halloween fun is as much a part of the celebration as carving the jack-o-lantern. This year, Patio Pet Life has plenty of tricks for making sure Halloween is a treat for your pets. 


Keep the candy out of reach


The trick-or-treaters might love chocolate but your pets do not.  Chocolate is very dangerous for animals, so keeping the candy bowl safely tucked away tops our list of Halloween safety tips for pets.  Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and rapid breathing. Since chocolate poisoning can be lethal, it’s critical to see a vet at the first sign, or if you suspect your pet has gotten into the candy bowl.


Careful with costumes


From Chihuahuas as tacos to Boxers as superheroes to Labradors as princesses, dressing up pets for Halloween is both cute and hilarious. Just be sure that costumes don’t restrict movement or vision or their ability to bark or breathe. It’s also important to do a trial run before the big day to make sure their custom doesn’t cause stress.


Keep pets away from the door


Your pet may love meeting new people and greeting trick-or-treaters, but visitors may not feel the same way about them. Unfortunately, some of your trick-or-treaters may not be comfortable around animals. Plus, the constantly ringing doorbell and excited kids may make your pet fell stressed. If you will be handing out candy, it may be best to keep your pet away from the door.


Ensure their ID is up to date


With the front door constantly opening and closing, and extra stressors, Halloween is a prime time for lost or runaway pets.  Hopefully, your furry friend will be safe at home with a bone all night. But, just in case something goes wrong, be sure they are wearing their tags and that your contact information is up to date.  It’s also a good idea to check to double check the info stored on their microchip, if they have one. 


Patio Pet Life